Why I couldn't care less about Sam Adams

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Synopsis: he had a fling with a young man a few weeks after the younger man turned 18, and then lied about it.
I don't care about a politician's personal life. Even if he was married and had an affair. As long as it was not a person working for him and otherwise not breaking any law, who cares? Yes, it makes the gay community look bad at first. But if you think about it, countless politicians have done the same and not been asked to resign (Clinton excluded). Straight politicians do it all the time. Why should we have to be even squeakier clean than them?
It comes down to this: straights/conservatives/homophobes are going to persecute us, anyway. Let's not do the job for them. Not saying that we should trust and protect Adams unconditionally, either. Just ease up on the pitchforks and torches, mm'k?