Holiday Gift Idea #1

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As the annual orgy of consumerism is already beginning, I thought I would offer up some alternatives to buying useless trinkets that no one wants. Particularly for those who did not begin knitting gifts a couple of months ago, like I did. *Smug gloat.*
I present for your perusal: adopt a baby rhino.
Last January my parents took my brother and me on a safari to Lewa, and I cannot say enough good things about it. They have helped schools, communities, women, endangered species, the Kenyan economy... There's no reason not to.
While there, we got to visit one of the schools. Tiny little shacks with no electricity, but the kids were articulate, enthusiastic, and happy. They have a free lunch program, which is why they have such a high attendance rate. Parents will send their kids to school when otherwise they might keep them home to help with the cattle and farming because the children will get at least one good meal a day.
When I was there, $30 was all it took to feed one child for an entire school year. And while playing with the kids during recess, I can assure you that they are strong and healthy.