War on Christmas?

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"No time of the year is more merry for Bill O’Reilly than the “Christmas season,” because he can then go to war with his nemeses, the so-called “secular progressives.” Last year, he kicked off the season on Nov. 9, with a story on a decision by the Fort Collins, Colorado City Council to forgo traditional Christmas decorations. Though he hasn’t found his first outrage of the year yet, he’s getting ready."

Get ready everyone, it's time for us to wage the War on Christmas once again!

Ok, so the part about "traditonal Christmas decorations" makes me giggle. 90% of them are Pagan in origin.
And more.
Yeah, we even got the fat guy.
As for anyone saying, "Merry Christmas" to me I couldn't care less. For most people it's been so ingrained into them that they never think that people might not celebrate the same holiday that they do. But don't get offended if you get, "Blessed Yule" in return. Although I am more likely to wish a person "Happy holidays" because

a) I have no idea what religion they practice, so it could be one of several

b) I'm wishing them a happy season in general: Thanksgiving through the secular New Year's.