The KKK and Obama

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I couldn't help it. I was dying to know what the Ku Klux Klan was thinking about Obama being our first African-American president-elect. It was so sad, it was actually funny.
"What will it mean for those who are being disenfranchised from the very nation purchased by the blood of their forefathers? It could mean an awakening of our spirit and blood. Every time the television shows an image of Obama it will be a reminder that our people have lost power in this country. We actually lost that power 40 years ago, but with a white president people would go to sleep thinking at least white people were still running things."
Um, what about the Native Americans whom the white Europeans raped, pillaged, and murdered? This was their land before it was ever ours. And we are not a white nation. We have no special superiority. There's a reason why our Constitution states that all people are equal.
"We have said that there is a growing subtle hatred for our people. "
These people have no idea what real discrimination is.
"As more and more non-whites come into this country the hatred for the founding people will grow."
Yes, African-Americans hate the founding fathers because they were white men. And that's why Obama referenced them in his acceptance speech. (Actually, I think it's the little slavery issue that they had a problem with, but I could be mistaken). Ku Klux Klan


habladora said...

Ugh - sad and scary. Really, why do people work so hard to dream up reasons to hate?

Anonymous said...

Sad as it is, I really think it boils down to fear and ignorance. Those two things alone have spurred on some of the ugliest parts of our history as humans.